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Tag: engines

Articles tagged as Engines

Super Power

Posted on July 19, 2024 by Christopher Linn
Close to the start of the Twentieth Century, Nikola Tesla invented a wonderfully simple vane less turbine engine which developed ten horsepower per pound of engine weight.Through comparison, today's factory powerful, piston engine makes significantly less than one horsepower per pound of engine weight.Tesla achieved this remarkable capacity to weight ratio with cast iron.Using aluminum for a lot of exactly the same device would jump the energy to weight ratio to at the very least twenty horsepower per pound, that was Tesla's goal...

All About the Hybrid Car

Posted on September 4, 2022 by Christopher Linn
Efficient Hybrid cars have engines that run from rechargeable batteries and gasoline compared to just petrol or diesel.Hybrid cars can reduce smog around 90% and can get far better fuel economy then a standard engine.If it might be possible for all to use this fuel efficient transportation they would barely be worry about rising gasoline prices and increasing concern for contamination related climatic fluctuations...